ESCIENCIA is SME based in Zaragoza (Spain), born in 2006 as a Spin off from the University of Zaragoza, with mastered expertise in sciencie communication and popularization of science. Esciencia Eventos Científicos S.L. is dedicated to the management and organization of scientific dissemination projects. The company offers specific scientific communication consulting services for the transfer of research results, and design and production of didactic programmes for schools and youngters.
Culture Hub Croatia (CHC) is using education, culture and creativity for development of local Croatian communities through transmission of knowledge and European expertise and through promotion of art practices. We are a non-profit organization officially founded in January 2017 in Split, Croatia. Not being physically restricted to one city, working from different parts of Europe and at the same time being a “hub”, for us means wider opportunities for collaboration – creating multidisciplinary, community-led joint cultural and creative actions with a social impact. All our projects and activities are based on partnerships. The mission of the CHC is to act in three interconnected fields:
– EDUCATION: to provide innovative and sustainable educational opportunities to the local Croatian communities and to encourage creativity and art as a teaching methodology; to increase the number of trained professionals in the cultural field by organizing trainings and capacity building programs in collaboration with European partners; to increase the quality of life-long learning in Croatia.
– PARTNER PROJECTS: to create and join international networks and foster new collaborations; to provide assistance in applications for projects on the European level as well as their organization, implementation and evaluation; to enable everyone in the community to participate in the activities of the ongoing projects and to use CHC as an “umbrella” organization and make their own projects happen.
– ART AND CREATIVITY: to promote local art, artistic and artisan practices through developing innovative interdisciplinary initiatives; contributing to the valorization of the artistic work and developing an art market in Croatia; creating new opportunities for projects among artists and providing support.

Arditodesìo is a professional theatre production company founded in 2002, headquartered at the Portland Theatre in Trento, Italy. In 2012, Arditodesìo joined forces with the Physical
Science Communication Laboratory of the Physics Department of the University of Trento to launch JPT, which has become its main project.
JPT’s mission is to teach and practice scientific narration by means of theatre and artistic expression, to develop a sense of curiosity and wonder, a thirst for knowledge, and to allow a better comprehension of the scientific world, the people that live it, the results of science and, bottom line, to better understand our present and future. JPT’s work builds on deep scientific content in a wide spectrum of fields to promote science engagement, connecting researchers, science facilitators, teachers and artists. It lies at the interface between science and art, human beings and society, and the philosophy of science. JPT originates from the idea that high-level science done in Universities and Research Centres around the world is rarely coupled with adequate tools to communicate science in comprehensible and inspiring ways. At the same time most audiences don’t have the technical knowledge to fully appreciate scientific work and advances, and so novel communication channels need to be invented. Moreover, a healthy society should cherish proficiency in science, art, music… because this way its leaders face a public opinion that is aware and awake.
The University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) is a public teaching and research institution which combines almost five centuries of history (since 1542) with a constantly updated range of courses. The University of Zaragoza has more than 30,000 students; 5,100 teaching and research staff and over 1,800 administration and service staff. It offers courses in all areas: Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture, Experimental Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Law. Students can choose between 54 Bachelor’s degrees and, in terms of graduate studies, 55 master degrees and 45 doctoral programmes, in addition to 90 specific courses (postgraduate degrees and specialist diplomas) corresponding to UNIZAR lifelong learning strategy. The UNIZAR has consolidated its position in international rankings and it is now among the top 2% of the most prestigious universities worldwide. It is one of the 10 best out of the 77 throughout Spain. We are among the highest-rated 25 best worldwide in sports science (the first in Spain), among the top 100 in chemistry (also the first in Spain) and among the best 200 in Computer Science (the fourth in Spain).

ITTS “A. Volta” is located in Perugia. There are 1600 students, aged 14-19, 235 teachers and 46 members of administration staff. We have courses in Electronics, Mechatronics, Chemistry, ICT and Graphics. We have a strong link to our territory and regularly organize periods of internships in local firms. Our school supports families with economic difficulties. The school has a well defined policy of inclusion and integration, with a pool of teachers specialized for students with special needs. In 2012 “A.Volta” institute ranked among the top 10 schools in Italy selected by the Ministry for the application of “Piano Scuol@2.0”, involving a new concept of teaching and learning through the use of new technologies. The school is in the network “Avanguardie Educative” and has been recognized as Apple Distinguished School. We steadily collaborate with other European schools and have joined the eTwinning platform since 2006. Many eTwinning projects have been awarded National and European prizes. We have experience in Erasmus plus KA2 and KA1 partnerships.
Best Cybernetics was founded in 2009 as a private owned Software, Consulting and Training company. With headquarters at Patras, Best Cybernetics has developed business activities covering the whole Greece and has developed a significant partner network and a large customer base by investing in long-term relationships of trust and reliability. Best Cybernetics aims to develop programs on the use and application of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in the Education, Training and Business sectors. Best Cybernetics aims to answer three fundamental needs of educational institutions and businesses:
– Development of technical and soft skills, enabling them to compete in the knowledge-based and constantly developing economy
– Facilitate the transition from University and/or Vocational education to the industry
– Promoting partnerships between Vocational education schools and businesses The company specializes in the design and development of web, mobile and multimedia applications providing full-cycle services (design, implementation, maintenance). We have expertise in design and development of integrated systems including frontend and backend environments that run across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile devices), designed to support content management system (CMS), database management system, interconnection with cloud technologies, groups of users etc. The company has also a strong expertise in designing educational software. We customize e-platforms, organize e-courses, design and develop online training contents, produce multimedia contents, define learning strategies and promote virtual communities of practice. We also focus on the use of virtual environments for education and training, including mobile technology. Our consulting services include lean office guidance and external evaluation.