The Project
The Project
EurokArt Project
Project Summary
EUREKArt is an innovative educational project developed to promote and increase societal scientific knowledge co-funded by ERASMUS+ programme.
This multidisciplinary project will provide broad social value through an educational synergy between the visual and performing arts framed by cutting edge research in nanotechnology. To increase stakeholder reach project partners generate a number of open educational resources for both teachers and students to facilitate and optimize the key learning outcomes.

Participants will be able to find a complete didactic guide on sciences and plastic and performing arts; introduction to nanotechnology flashcards; explanatory “step-by-step” of scientific experiments; dossiers of artistic workshops; and an Art & Nano dictionary to expand vocabulary in both disciplines.

In terms of objectives, to respond to the situation derived from COVID-19, EUREKArt fulfils the objective of providing education and training systems with the means to deal with online and distance learning, including support for teachers to develop digital skills. Furthermore, our objectives are clearly defined, realistic, and tailored to the core strengths of the participating organizations and target groups.
EurokArt Project
EurokArt Project