Expected Results

Expected Results

EurokArt Expected Results

Expected Results

The results that we hope to obtain are part of the potential impact of the project that is guaranteed after the development and application of innovative practices in the field of education and training.

Our activities are linked to reinforcing all aspects of creativity in formal and non-formal education, improving the development of skills and competences. In addition, we will use a variety of different learning tools, resources, materials, courses, and training modules to foster creativity and multiculturalism; as well as artistic and cultural initiatives with an educational dimension.

To do so, during the project we will use didactic tools to transform the scientific content on nanotechnology into content adapted to school age:

– 100% experimental and synergistic workshop to approach the plastic arts through nanotechnology consisting of an introductory section on the fundamentals of nanoscience by experienced researchers followed by its subsequent application in the creation of plastic works with these techniques.

– 100% experimental workshop to approach the performing arts through nanotechnology through a theatrical performance: theatrical representation through scientific demonstrations of how art and theatre are related to nanotechnology. Interactive activity in which the public participates in the dynamics.

In addition, to awaken even more the interest of young people the use social networks will be a core aspect of our dissemination policy: contests and games through social profiles with a dynamic publication calendar to attract the public.
